Home Releases # 11, volume 2, 2017


Linguistics , UDC: 81’22


  • Andreeva Svetlana Candidate of Philology, associate professor


Cybernetics and linguistic direction in the theory of frames, established through the development of artificial intelligence, has formed a “static” approach to understanding and describing frames in linguistics. At the same time, other social sciences and the humanities studied the frame’s behavioral matrix to a greater extent in order to be able to predict the development of social processes and behavioral practices of various social groups. Within the framework of the latter direction, the frame was considered as a process of purposeful structuring of reality in the minds of the masses, i.e. in dynamics. Sociology, social and political psychology use the term “framing” to descried the process and the method of frame analysis. The author of the article draws attention to some aspects of the study of framing, which will not only be productive for cognitive linguistics, but also expand the understanding of the scope of the frame in verbal and non-verbal communication, especially in the framework of studying the structuring of reality in the influential types of speech. The “behavioral” part of such mental formations as the frame, concept, and concept sphere can be reconstructed using the propositional frame analysis. This will allow not only to formalize an interdisciplinary research zone of cognitive structures, but also to present it in logical categories accessible to linguistics.

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Andreeva, S. . (2017). POTENTIAL OF THE CONCEPT “FRAMING” FOR COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 11, volume 2, 2017,
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