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On the publication

The international annual collection of research papers on philology Russian Philology and Comparative Studies has been published since 2006. Up to 2018 it was a joint project of two universities: Moscow City University (Moscow, Russia) and the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (Vilnius, Lithuania). A lot of experience was accumulated in the area of cooperation among philologists, linguists and theorists of literature from Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Japan. The initiators and editors-in-chief of the publication – M.B. Loskutnikova (editor-in-chief in 2006–2017, Moscow) and D. Sabromene (Vilnius) stood at the origins of Russian Philology and Comparative Studies. The collection was alternately published in Moscow and Vilnius. About 200 articles on broad philological issues – various aspects of Russian studies, comparative literary studies, linguistic comparative studies – have been prepared for publication and published.

Russian Philology and Comparative Studies received a new impetus to its development in 2018, when the editorial board of the publication was reorganized in connection with the new tasks of modernization of the project and its more intensive entry into the world’s scientific community. The collection received the International Standard Serial Number – ISSN, a special website was launched containing metadata of the publications of the past years, full-text versions of the collections (URL: https://rik.mgpu.ru/) and other relevant information. A number of papers reflecting the history of the publication and the research work of its regular authors have been translated into English; these texts and the metadata of the papers are posted on the site. Which has an English version.

The publication’s international ties are maintained and expanded. The official international partners of Moscow City University in the work on Russian Philology and Comparative Studies are the University of Wroclaw (Poland) and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus). Mikhail Sarnowski, Head of the Institute of Slavic Philology at Wroclaw University, and O.A. Romanov, First Vice-Chancellor of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, joined the publication’s editorial board. The editorial board includes well-known scholars from Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary and Japan.

Many organizational issues could not have been resolved without the coordinating efforts of V.V. Kirillov, a member of the editorial board of Russian Philology and Comparative Studies and Head of the Institute of Humanities at Moscow City University (Moscow). Deputy editors-in-chief E.Yu. Kolysheva (MCU, Moscow), M.V. Zakharova (MCU, Moscow), O.A. Suleimanova (MCU, Moscow), S.V. Vlasova (Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius, Lithuania) are responsible for the selection of papers, organization of reviewing, editing and preparing them for printing.

While maintaining the traditions developed over a decade, there are new features in the recent editions. Thus, for more convenient viewing of all the material and more comfortable navigation for both specialists and novice researchers, it was decided to introduce greater fragmentation and more specified rubrication. The two fundamental sections, Literature and Language Studies, are presented taking into account the research areas these branches of knowledge are divided into. Literature (both as a branch of knowledge and as a rubric) cannot do without Theory of Literature. Undoubtedly, the role of Traditions of Literary Classics is important. One of the leading branches in contemporary science is that presented in the rubric Interaction of Arts in Literature. Popular with foreign and domestic colleagues is Motivational and Psychological Analysis of a Literary Work. Language Studies section is represented by the rubrics Comparative Linguistics and Translation Theory. For obvious reasons, the basic rubric is Language History. Entire branches of modern linguistics have resulted in the rubrics Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Aspects of Communication Theory; Scientific Chronicle contains important and informative material.

Russian Philology and Comparative Studies arouses stable interest and positive responses in the professional community. Five benevolent reviews on the annual collections have been published. The issues of the series are successfully used in the educational process, in the training of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students.

The materials of the publication undergo strict selection – double blind review. The selection and publication process is governed by the Ethics Regulations. The decision to publish is made by the editorial board. The time limit for examining a paper is up to 4 months. Materials can be emailed to: rik@mgpu.ru