Home Releases # 9, 2014




  • Avina Natalia PhD in Philology, Associate Professor


The article studies active processes in the Russian orthography in one of the areas of written communication, the language of which demonstrates changes occurring in the modern life most clearly — in the advertisements. Observations presented in the article concern some regional specific features of written communication which are embodied in the advertisements in the Russian newspapers of Lithuania. In terms of foreign environment, the problems of the written language are numerous and manifold. The need for constant written transmission of realities of everyday life which are completely different and missing in the native environment leads to creation of a specific written communication in Russian. Among the spelling features of the advertisements considered, the most obvious are the following: 1) common spelling errors associated primarily with writing of alien words due to linguistic interaction; fused, hyphenated and separate writing of compound words, the use of block and lowercase letters, wring of double consonants; 2) variability of writing of regional names related to the process of their graphic and orthographic adaptation; 3) inconsistency of acronyms, primarily that of abbreviations. The spelling samples considered are notable for none-unitizing and va­riability, on the one hand, manifestation of contemporary problems in the field of Russian letters, on the other hand — manifestation of regional features associated with the writing of foreign language use due to linguistic interaction. Compliance of norms of literary language, including spelling ones in the field of advertising is very important: advertising discourse is known to play an important role in formation of the mass lingual consciousness; it is actively working on speech practice and creating the culture of the written language.

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Avina, N. . (2014). THE MODERN ORTHOGRAPHY IN THE MIRROR OF ADVERTISEMENTS: REGIONAL SPECIFIC FEATURES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 9, 2014,
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