Home Releases # 9, 2014




  • Gerasimenko Natalia Doctor of Philology, Professor


In the article taxonomical value as a kind of semantics of characte­rization which, is standard value the bisubstantive sentences of is analyzed. Bisubstantive sentences we call two-member sentences of Russian in which the predicative kernel is organized by two nouns (or their equivalents) with the participation of a sheaf. Specifics of expression the attribute of va­lues in the bisubstantive sentences which consists in relativity of a sign attributed to the subject are described. It is established that semantics of characterization is realized in the bisubstantive sentences in the form of the following major importances: actually characterization, taxonomical value, relative characterizing value, local and temporal characterizing values. Taxonomical value is considered as classifying and systematizing difficult objects and the phenomena which usually have hierarchical structure. At the heart of taxonomy differentiation of single objects of reality and classes of objects lies. Belonging of object of reality to this or that class is the integral pro­perty of this object inherent in it always. Constancy of an attributed pre­dicative sign, quality, property of object is transferred in a language form of the bisubstantive sentences which has been mainly intended for expression of a constant, timeless sign. In article it is noted that in expression of taxonomical value in the bisubstantive sentences participate: 1) nouns with concrete and subject value as the subject and a statement predicate; 2) conjunctions with taxonomical value and the grammatizied conjunctions allowing taxonomical interpretation; 3) deyktiche components; 4) special syntactic designs, etc. In article the called means of expression of taxonomical value in the bisubstantive sentences are analysed. It is established that bisubstantive sentences with taxonomical value actively function in book styles of the speech: scientific and official. The special role is carried out by bisubstantive sentences in an educational and educational discourse in which they are the main form of a definition.

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Gerasimenko, N. . (2014). TAXONOMICAL VALUE IN THE BISUBSTANTIVE RUSSIAN SENTENCES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 9, 2014,
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