Home Releases # 9, 2014




  • Geymbukh Elena Doctor of Philology, Professor
  • Fyodorova Aleksandra


The article is concerned with personification problem as one of the basis of S.D. Krzhizhanovsky individual style. Personification is considered by the authors as a full conformation of any fragment of reality to man. Embodied phenomenon assumes human traits with full conformation, sometimes even a human face. The authors of the article bring to the fore grammatical personification, which is specific for S.D. Krzhizhanovsky individual style in general, and for “Tales for Wunderkinds” in particular. The authors refer deviations of various kind from the language system to grammatical personification accompanying semantic personifications (anthropomorphize) on word-formative, morphological and syntactic levels such as word pertain change to part of speech, system of its grammatical forms, paradigmatic and syntagmatic properties etc. Examples from fairy tales “Chut-chuti” (Little littles), “Strana netov” (Country of words “no”), “Poetomu” (That’s why), “Chjotki” (Bead-rolls) and others show the character of grammatical personification such as substantivisation, grammatical categories of gender and number acquisition by substantivats. These grammatical categories reflect the embodied phenomena involvement in opposition to gender and plura­lity / singularity; involvement in the systems of declension and inflection, performance of suffixes, indicating non-adulthood; formation of qualitative and relative adjectives; ability to combine with concordant definitions and appositions; correlation with verbal predicate; performance in function of the subject and complement what is primarily peculiar to registered parts of speech (Noun, Adjective, etc.). The article also shows the duality of the S.D. Krzhizhanovsky art world, which is not last thing determined by existence continuation of personify fragment of reality in its natural, non-embodied form.

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Geymbukh, E. . & Fyodorova, A. . (2014). ORIGINALITY OF PERSONIFICATION IN «TALES FOR WUNDERKINDS» BY S. KRZHIZHANOVSKY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 9, 2014,
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