Home Releases # 9, 2014


Literary Сriticism


  • Loskutnikova Maria Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor


The motive of the Other plays in the I.A. Goncharov’s novels consolidating role for the art ensemble organization, creating an alloy of two levels of carriers of style — structurally-composite and stylistic. Representations of protagonists of the novel «An Ordinary Story» about the Other are considered in the article. For Aduev-senior the Other is not a friend and not an enemy. In his understanding, it is necessary to live like every­body, thus the Other helps to evaluate own possibilities objectively. Therefore one should respect the Other and listen to his opinion (especially if he is a talented person). Strategic vital miscalculation of Petr Ivanovich is that on the way to realization of the personal purposes he urged to refuse any feelings. In the image of Aduev-younger, Goncharov intended to discre­dit the false-romantic moods. However the writer had created the novel with broader senses. Twice Alexander goes to the conquest of the ca­pital — and both times fails, though in the second case an ascension on the office ladder seems victory to him and to his surrounding. The world of Aduev-younger as a result of the «conquests» is a scorched earth on which there is only his I and there is not and there can not be a place for the Other.

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Loskutnikova, M. . (2014). MOTIF OF THE OTHER IN I.A. GONCHAROV’S NOVEL «AN ORDINARY STORY». Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 9, 2014,
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