Home Releases # 9, 2014


Literary Сriticism


  • Romanova Galina Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor


The article offers a brief overview of creative works of the British writer M. Humphry Ward, whose books were included in the reading circle of L. Tolstoy. In his diary and letters he mentions her works rather frequently. In M. Humphry Ward memoirs, in turn, dedicated pages are highlighted, on which the names of the Russian classic writer are mentioned. The question of a possible literary exchange is raised, and a brief review of educational and social activities of the English writer — contemporary of the Russian classic is given. The similarities in their social and educational activities and the topical conformities in the work of L. Tolstoy and M. Humphry Ward are shown, indicating the influence of L. Tolstoy’s works on the books by M. Humphry Ward. The issues of faith, religion and of the family relationships comprise the basics of the novels by the English writer («Robert Elsmere», «The History of David Grieve»). The similarities of the socio-political and ideological context of the two writers induced the interest of both, Tolstoy and Humphry Ward, to the works of the other. Furthermore, quite a few literary resemblances can be found in the works of the two writers. The conclusion is made, not only literary influence, but rather the manifestation of literary and historical analogies should be considered. The topics and problems, which were started first by the Russian writer stayed actual, although based on a different material, in the English literature even few decades later, which supports there artistic and ethical importance.

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Romanova, G. . (2014). HUMPHRY WARD AND L. TOLSTOY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 9, 2014,
1. Gemfri Uord M. David Griv. Rasskaz o tom, kak chelovek nashel dorogu v zhizni / Per. (v sokrashhenii) s angl. A. Karrik. SPb.: Izdanie O.N. Popovoj, 1897. 110 s.
2. Gemfri Uord M. Otshhepenecz // Knizhki nedeli. 1889. No 1–10.
3. Gemfri Uord M. Modny’j brak. M.: Izdanie A. Verbiczkoj, 1913. 153 s.
4. Gemfri Uord M. Doch’ ledi Rozy’. Kursk: GUIPP «Kursk», 1996. 349 s. (B-ka sentimental’nogo romana).
5. Tolstoj L.N. Poln. sobr. soch.: v 90 t. M.; L.: Goslitizdat, 1928–1958.
6. Bindslev А.M. Mrs. Humphry Ward: A Study in Late-Victorian Fe­minine Consciousness and Creative Expression. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International. 1985.
7. Humphry Ward. A Writer’s Recollections. L.: Соllins Sons & Co., 1918. V. 2. 373 p.
8. Sutherland J. Mrs Humphry Ward. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. 432 p.
9. Walters J.S. Mrs Humphry Ward, her work and influence. L.: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1912. 224 p.
10. Wilt J. Behind Her Times: Transition England in the Novels of Mary Arnold Ward. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, 2005.
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