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Linguistics , UDC: 81-119 DOI: 10.25688/2619-0656.2023.11.02


  • Kalinin Oleg Igorevich Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor


The article conducts a comparative analysis of the conceptual representations of war in Chinese and Russian linguocultures. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the content of the WAR concept is directly linked to cultural parameters such as attitudes towards life and death, enabling the identification of the most essential principles underlying the construction of the national worldview in general. The research methodology is based on definitional-etymological analysis, study of phraseology, as well as associative experiment and methods of metaphorical modeling. Definitional analysis allows the identification of the semantic component of the WAR concept, while the analysis of phraseology and metaphorical modeling represents the evaluative component, and the associative experiment represents the emotional component. The conducted research demonstrates that for Russian linguoculture, the phenomenon of war appears as a form of armed struggle and a type of professional activity with dominant components such as “death, suffering, weapons”, whereas for Chinese culture, it is perceived as a form of armed struggle directed towards gaining advantage, with dominant attributes being “death, consequences, enemy”. Important additional interpretation of the war phenomenon for Chinese culture is seen as “continuation of policy”, “means of deception”. The conducted research enables not only an understanding of cultural differences in the perception of war but also the depth and complexity of mental representations about life and death in different cultural contexts.

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Kalinin, O. I. (2023). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE WAR CONCEPT IN RUSSIAN AND CHINESE LINGUISTIC CULTURES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", Russian and comparative studies, 17–39. https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2023.11.02
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