Home Releases # 8, 2013


Literary Сriticism


  • Stemberger Martina Doctor of Philology


This article investigates some aspects of the intercultural and intertextual Franco-Russian polylogue at the beginning of the 21st century, on the basis of the example of the work and the Russian reception of the French writer Frédéric Beigbeder, who is very popular in Russia. From the point of view of comparativist imagology, it analyzes the representation of contemporary Russia in Beigbeder’s oeuvre. On the stylistic and thematic levels, Beigbeder’s work seems to be perfectly at its place within the contemporary Russian literary landscape; this is illustrated by diverse, commercially very successful “transplantations” of typically Beigbederian plots and characters into a Russian context (as, for instance, in the work of the “Russian Beigbeder”, Sergei Minaev).
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