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Folklore Studies,Literary Сriticism , UDC: 398.3, 82-292 DOI: 10.25688/2619-0656.2023.11.07


  • Sorokina Svetlana Pavlovna Doctor of Philology


The article is devoted to a little–studied problem in folklore comparative studies – the comparison of the action structure of the rite “Malanka” performed in the village of Klokushna in the Oknit district of the Republic of Moldova and the Russian folk drama “Tsar Maximilian”. The basis for comparison is the fact that this version of the Moldovan “Malanka” dates back to the Russian drama. Since “Tsar Maximilian” has long been out of active existence in Russia, and in Moldova “Malanka” remains a living and actively existing tradition, the researcher can compare the scattered, fragmentary information preserved according to the Russian tradition with a complete, detailed fixation, thanks to modern technical means of photo and video fixation, Moldovan interpretation “Tsar Maximilian”. The article systematizes the various types of movements and gestures that are used by the performers of “Malanka”. It is noted that there are parallels between the action score of “Malanka” by the village of Klokushna and the performances of “Tsar Maximilian” in Russia, which were described by collectors of the late XIX – early XX centuries, which shows the continuity of folklore theatrical traditions not only verbally, but also at the action level.

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Sorokina, S. P. (2023). THE THEATRICAL AND PLAYFUL LANGUAGE OF FOLKLORE DRAMA: ON THE PROBLEM OF “NON-VERBAL” COMPARATIVE STUDIES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", Russian and comparative studies, 106–121. https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2023.11.07
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