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Literary Сriticism , UDC: 393.05; 82-193.6 DOI: 10.25688/2619-0656.2023.11.08


  • Samodelova Elena Doctor of Philology


The Introduction examines the integration of the poem “Wake” into Yesenin’s poetic system. The relevance of the problem under study lies in the historical, cultural, and textual commentary, in the justification and clarification of the conventional dating; the work has already been commented on in the academic “Complete Works” of Yesenin, but additional arguments and contextual information are given here. The research material is divided into main and control: the first includes the content of “The Wake”, the second includes the author’s expedition records and publications of researchers on the funeral and memorial cycle of Russian folk rituals, including photographs. The research methods and materials used by predecessor researchers are considered, their correction is proposed. When analyzing a work, it is necessary to start from its content, and not from the date, especially a non-author, conventional one. In the main part show, that the theme of burial and funeral is typical for Yesenin, cross-cutting in his work, both artistic and epistolary, starting from 1912. Funeral and memorial themes are typical for the works of a wide variety of genres of the writer: letters, short stories, stories, poems, “small poems” and poems, etc. Yesenin’s penchant for numerous and varied artistic interpretations of the theme of death is due to several factors. His f f family affiliation with Orthodox Russians with belief in an afterlife, the tragedy of the era with its wars and revolutions, life circumstances and personal characteristics, as well as the attention of the creative intelligentsia of the Silver Age to myths about the afterlife and to popular ideas about the “other world”.

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Samodelova, E. . (2023). POEM “WAKE” BY SERGEI YESENIN AND RUSSIAN FUNERAL CULTURE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", Russian and comparative studies, 122–142. https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2023.11.08
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