Home Releases № 16, 2022


Linguistics , UDC: 81’33 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2022.16.14


  • Razumovskaya Veronica Adolfovna Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor


The research addresses some aspects of a “strong” text of fiction life outside of its own culture. The existence of a “strong” verbal original within the boundaries of a center of translation attraction in the forms of foreign languages and other semiotic versions is considered. The system-structural relations underlying the formation and functioning of a center of translation attraction presuppose the presence of a core-stimulus, the role of which is performed by a primary “strong” text and its active, passive and potential versions (translations in the broad sense of the concept) of various semiotic nature, forming a translatability and translatedness field of a “strong” original. The emergence of a center is determined by the inherent information inexhaustibility of a literary original. Special attention is paid to the translation multiplicity, which assumes the real and potential existence of numerous secondary versions, which is an ontological property of a “strong” original. Within the framework of a categorical concept of translation multiplicity, the phenomenon of retranslation is distinguished, suggesting the appearance of secondary versions of an original in the forms of only one foreign language or a language of only one semiotic system. The article proposes a hypothesis of formation within the framework of a center of translation attraction a “supertext” - a complex polycode, multilingual, multicultural and multimodal semiotic object that allows the fullest disclosure of the information potential of a verbal original. The retranslation as a separate type of translation multiplicity and the hypothesis of a supertext are considered on the material of the translation versions of Anna Karenina novel - undoubtedly a “strong” text of Russian literature and culture.

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Razumovskaya, V. A. (2022). A “STRONG” TEXT OF LITERATURE AS TRANSLATION AND RETRANSLATION OBJECT Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 16, 2022, 233-249. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2022.16.14
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