Home Releases № 15. 2021


Linguistics , UDC: 81’22 DOI: 10.25688/2619-0656.2021.15.15


  • Borisova Elena Doctor of Philology, Professor


The article makes part of the investigations focused on the grammar of Addressee: (the Hearer). The investigations in the Active Grammar (the Grammar of the Speaker) made it possible to describe various phenomena in grammar and lexis of many languages. Such branch of the functional linguistics as Receptive grammar or the Grammar of Addressee (the Hearer) is now being developed. It concerns the description of language entities that enable proper understanding the text in step-by-step analyzing it. The consequence of the Addresse’s activity is supposed to be the following: perception, deciphering meanings, reference, revealing implicatures, forming semantic representation of utterances and texts, revealing intentions of the Speaker, marking sentimental characteristics. These hypothetic actions form the framework of this Grammar. And the categories related to these stages are formed by the language entities necessary for this activity. Such categories as ‘Orientation’ (referring an utterance to the situation), ‘explication of implicatures (inferences)’ were investigated and described. This article concerns the activity of the Hearer while understanding the content of a text, namely taking into consideration it’s possible continuation. This article concerns the activity of the Hearer while understanding the content of a text, namely taking into consideration it’s possible continuation. The principal components of the text composition and three types of texts: narrative, description, dissertation — are taken into consideration. The most common strategies of the continuation of narrative are listed. The speaker has means that help him to correct possible inferences and expectations for the continuation of the text. He uses the markers (conjunctions, particles, adverbials) that enable the proper understanding of texts. Some of them: conjunctions and, but and their translations into other languages, Russian modal particles vot, tam, adverbials, etc. are supposed to be described. The principles of the Hearer’s activity are supposed to be more or less universal and valid for all languages (or the majority of them). So the basic rules are elaborated on Russian examples while comparison with other languages, English, first of all — were also provided. The further investigations in the sphere of understanding and the grammar of the Hearer were offered.

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Borisova, E. . (2021). THE GRAMMAR OF THE ADDRESSEE: UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT AND TOOLS OF ITS CORRECTING Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 15. 2021, 262-277. https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2021.15.15
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