Home Releases № 15. 2021


Linguistics , UDC: 81.42 DOI: 10.25688/2619-0656.2021.15.12


  • Vikulova Larissa Doctor of Philology, Professor
  • Ryanskaya Elvira Doctor of Philology, Docent
  • Gerasimova Svetlana Candidate of Philology


The pre-textual part of any published work is especially important for the readers and includes pragmatic purpose of the content explication and prior notification to the reader about the edition. Such genres contribute to the consideration of the publications providing any preface or introduction as a knowledge product in the publishing industry. The objectives of the article include identifying the linguo-pragmatic features of discourse genres such as preface and introduction to the Russian and French lexicographic practice based on the text-typological approach. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that philosophical discourse reveals not only linguistic, but also communicative features in the scientific communication. Furthermore, the features can exercise a certain degree of influence over a reader in conjunction with the language, that can be considered as a keeper of scientific experience and social foundations. A comparative analysis has illustrated that using paratextual units to inform the reader about the particular book characteristics is a common feature of Russian and French philosophical discourse. Moreover, the prospective orientation of the texts is anchored in the semantics of the terms of Preface and Introduction. The article argues that the pragmatic purpose of the preface is to familiarize the reader with the content of the published work. As for the introduction, the main purpose of this pre-textual unit is to improve perceptions of the information drawing on the author’s concept and theoretical analysis. The result of the research demonstrates the description of the main communication strategies and tactics, indicating the linguistic and pragmatic features of the discourse genres such as preface and introduction. It was revealed that these pre-textual units are based on a stylistic effect of dialogicity, which includes the use of rhetorical questions and exclamation sentences. Terminological language is actively used as a reflection of the scientific picture of «philosophy». Furthermore, it is proved that the promotion of the dictionary as a scientific genre is a part of the presentation of the texts, evidence of which can be seen in the use of ameliorative assessment of the publications. Various ways of the author’s self-presentation are submitted as a presentation of achievements in the field of philosophy. The tactics of explanation, comparison and the special characteristics of the edition innovation are presented in the Russian dictionary. Whereas the authors’ competence and authority is emphasized in the French dictionary, which also indicates their scientific status and presents detailed information about their workplace. French philosophers actively use the tactics of the use of authoritative source or opinion as the basis of philosophical reflection.

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Vikulova, L. ., Ryanskaya, E. . & Gerasimova, S. . (2021). PRAGMATICS OF THE DISCURSIVE GENRES PREFACE AND INTRODUCTION TO THE RUSSIAN AND FRENCH PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARIES: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 15. 2021, 197-218. https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2021.15.12
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