Home Releases # 14. 2020


Literary Сriticism , UDC: 821.161.1 DOI: 10.25688/2619-0656.2020.14.02


  • Kalashnikov Sergei Candidate of Philology, Docent


Based on the precedent texts by Alexander Pushkin, “Stanzas” (“In the hope of fame and good ...”) and “To Friends”, the article reconstructs the invariant scheme of this genre variety as a model of the poet’s relationship to the authorities and his time. One of the reasons why Pushkin’s “Stanzas” and “To Friends” are perceived as a paired unity and genre invariant is that in both texts the ultimate concentration of combinatorial possibilities of interaction between the poet and the authorities is reached: “true poet + true king”, “true poet vs false king”,“ true king + false poet”, “false poet + false king”. In addition, “Stanzas” as a genre invariant presupposes not only the realization of a certain group of artistic meanings, through which the poet’s attitude to his time and authorities is expressed, but also includes an obligatory model of the corresponding public behavior, firstly, in Moscow as the center of power and, secondly, in the fundamental capacity of the main poet of the era — the God chosen singer-prophet, who has the exclusive right to legitimize or discredit the image of the ruler and the existing state order. Also, in the biographical subtext of the invariant, the motive of unfulfilled hopes and disappointment in the “new reality” was originally incorporated. A century later, Osip Mandelstam builds his relations with his time in accordance with this genre invariant in “Voronezh Stanzas” (1935) and “Savyolovo Stanzas” (1937). At a deep level, the author reproduces scenarios of Pushkin’s literary and life behavior (“miraculous” pardon after the first arrest), deliberately builds biographical analogies to them in relations with the official authorities (a hypothetical meeting with Stalin), carries out the distribution of key meanings and assessments within the framework of the original Pushkin paradigm — not only artistic, but also behavioral, which testifies to the conscious positioning of himself as Pushkin’s successor in the public, ideological and state space.

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Kalashnikov, S. . (2020). “STANZAS” AS А GENRE INVARIANT: A. S. PUSHKIN AND O. S. MANDELSTAM Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 14. 2020, 21-40. https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2020.14.02
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