- Mineralova Irina Doctor of Philology, Professor
- Mitryakova Sofya
The article aims to determine the special role of the portrait in shaping the style of B.K. Zaitsev, who considered himself an impressionist in prose. A priori characteristic of the B.K. Zaitsev’s manner as impressionistic is common place. The name of B.K. Zaitsev will appear in any reference books on impressionism in prose along with that of I.A. Bunin, however, this definition of style requires reflection not only in analogies with painting and / or music, but as having its own pronounced features in literature. That is why the study of the writer’s methods of creating a portrait in prose allows us to contribute important nuances both to the theory of the question and to the history of impressionism in prose, including the named writer.
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Mineralova, I. . & Mitryakova, S. . (2017). THE IMPRESSIONISTIC BEGINNING IN THE STYLE OF B. K. ZAITSEV AND THE ROLE OF THE PORTRAIT IN SHAPING THE STYLE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 11, volume 2, 2017,
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