Home Releases # 11, volume 2, 2017


Linguistics , UDC: 811.161.1


  • Kachur Marina


The article focuses on the leading semantic ties between literal and reinterpreted meanings of color names as components of phraseological units in English, German, Russian and Belarussian languages. The leading meaningful connections between the literal and reinterpreted meanings of color names in the structure of phraseological meanings of English, German, Russian and Belarusian languages are: color of the referent → class of the referent; color of the referent → feature of the referent; color ↔ emotion; color ↔ physical impact; color ↔ physical / emotional state; colour + item of clothing / an item → occupation; the color of the subject / object → feature indicator; the color of human skin → race; hair color → the age of a person; color → class of referents; color → human skin tone; color → human hair tone; color → human skin tone → intensification of the feature; color → the highest degree of manifestation of the feature; the color of the referent → the standard; color → feature of ontological nature; color → synesthetical feature; color → emotion; color → assessment.

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Kachur, M. . (2017). SEMANTIC TRANSFORMATIONS OF COLOR NAMES AS COMPONENTS OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS (WITH EXAMPLES IN ENGLISH, GERMAN, RUSSIAN AND BELARUSIAN LANGUAGES) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 11, volume 2, 2017,
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