Home Releases # 3, 2008


Literary Сriticism


  • Valiulis Svetlana D. in Humanities, Associate Professor


Mykolaitis-Putinas comprehension of Russian philosopher VI. Solovyev's ideas is quite complicated and can't be understood as having one meaning. Due to the analysis of theoretical articles by VI. Solovyev and Mykolaitis-Putinas' dissertation «V. Solovyev's aesthetics ideas» we can confirm that Mykolaitis-Putinas accepts Solovyev's ontology of beauty and agrees with the idea that the main point of art is «the carnated idea of beauty». However at the same time he asserts personal perception of beauty' which is the base for the definition of the main point of art in his conception. The philosopher's ontology and metaphysical aesthetics are criticized by Mykolaitis-Putinas in his dissertation. Although Mykolaitis-Putinas doesn't refuse to understand beauty as a synthesis of idea and substance he defines the idea not as an ideal essence (VI. Solovyev), but as a mental and emotional experience of the artist. Mykolaitis-Putinas also disagrees with Solovyev's leading idea about the identity of beauty, truth, good in the absolute. The psychological aesthetics is starting to attract Lithuanian poet more.

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Valiulis, S. . (2008). SOLOVYEV’S AESTHETICS IN THE THEORETICAL PAPERS OF V. MYKOLAITIS-PUTINAS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 3, 2008,
1. Andriuškevičius A. Grožis irmenas lietuvių estetikoje 1918-1940. -Vilnius, 1989.
2. Thomas Aquinas. Summa theologica // Memorabilia of the World Aesthetic Thought: In 5 vol.1 vol. - М., 1962.
3. Valiulis S. The Aesthetics of Lithuanian Symbolism. - Vilnius.1980.
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5. Kubilius V. XX amžiaus lietuvių lyrika. - Vilnius, 1982.
6. Lankutis J. Vinco Mykolaičio-Putino kuryba. - Vilnius, 1973.
7. Losev A. Solovyov and his time. - М., 1990.
8. Maritain J. Beauty and Imitation // Modern Book on Aesthetics. Anthology. - М., 1957.
9. Mykolaitis V. L'Esthetique de Vladimir Soloviev. - Würzburg,1923 (in French).
10. Mykolaitis V. Grožio ir meno kuriamosios dailės reikšmė, Kn. I.Sąs. 1-2. - Logos, 1921.
11. Mykolaitis V. Meno aptarimas. - Židinys. - 1926. - № 12.
12. Mykolaitis V. Del meno aptarimo. - Zidinys. - 1927. - 2.
13. Mykolaitis-Putinas V. Literatūros etiudai. - Kaunas, 1937.
14. Mykolaitis-Putinas V. Raštai. T. 7. - Vilnius, 1968.
15. Solovjev V. С. Solov'ev's Collected Works: In 10 vols. - St. Petersburg, 1911-1914 (references to Solovyovs' works are given in the text of this edition: the first number - volume, the second - page). 16.
16. Schloegeris Arvydas. Vladimir Solovyov and Idealist Philosophy in Lithuania: Ph. - Vilnius, 1974.
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