Home Releases # 6, 2011




  • Beloshapkova Tatyana Doctor of Philology, Docent


The article is devoted to the questions of translations of the category of aspectuality in the light of cognitive-discourse paradigm of linguistic knowledge. The category of aspectuality is described as a set of nine primitive-concepts, namely, the degree of representation, beginning, continuation, end, solitude, length, result, regularity, and existence of norm correlation. The discourse analysis includes the following parameters: the structuralsemantic model of concepts, the productivity, and the functionality. This approach helps solve the problem of historical stylization of a source or target language.

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Beloshapkova, T. . (2011). THE COGNITIVE-DISCOURSE PARADIGM OF LINGUISTIC KNOWLEDGE AND LITERARY TRANSLATION (ON THE MATERIAL OF CATEGORY OF ASPECTUALITY) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 6, 2011,
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