Home Releases # 5, 2010


Folklore Studies,Literary Сriticism


  • Dzhanumov Seyran Doctor of Philology, Professor


The article deals with ideological and aesthetic functions of folklore in Bunin’s works, the folklore sources Bunin used in creation of his works. The subject of the research is the use of charms and incantations, calendar and family and rite poetry in Bunin’s poems and prose.
1. A. Averyanova A.P. Phraseology as a means of speech characteristic of characters in works of I.A. Bunin // Questions of semantics of phraseological units. (On the material of Russian language): theses of reports and communications. - Ч. 1. - Novgorod, 1971. - С. 268-273.
2. Averyanova A.P. From observations on language and style of I.A. Bunin // Bulletin of Leningrad University. - 1972. - No 2. History, language, literature. - Vol. 1. - С. 104-110.
3. Bunin I.A. Collected Works: in 9 vols. - Moscow: Artistic literature, 1965-1967.
4. Velikorus in their songs, rituals, customs, beliefs, tales, legends, etc. / Materials, collected and put in order by P.V.Sheynom. - Т. 1. - Vol. 2. - SPb., 1900.
5. 5. Kolobaeva L.A. Bunin's Prose: Help for teachers, high school students and applicants. - M.: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 2000. - 88 с.
6. Folk lyrical songs / Editing and preparation of the text. Propp. - L.: Soviet writer, 1961. - (The Poet's Library. Big series). - 610 с.
7. Pomerantseva E.V. Writers and Storytellers: V.G. Smolitsky. - Moscow: Soviet writer, 1988. - С. 14 - 43.
8. Proverbs of the Russian people / Collection of V. Dal. - M.: State Publishing House of the Russian Literature, 1957. - 991 с.
9. Poetry of Peasant Holidays / Vzemtsovsky I.I., preface, preparation of the text and footnotes. - L.: Soviet writer, 1970. - 636 с.
10. Collection of Folk Songs by P. V. Kireevsky / Notes by P. I. Yakushkin; preparation of texts, introduction and comments by Z. I. Vlasova. - Т. 1. - Vol. 1, L.: Nauka, 1983. - 342 с.
11. Russian people. Its customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry /collected by M. Zabryan. M. Forgotten; a reprint of the edition of 1880. - M.: Joint Soviet-Canadian Enterprise Bookshop, 1989. - 616 с.
12. Folklore notes / A.K. Baboreko's publication; pre-recorded and preprinted by E.V. Pomerantseva // Ivan Bunin. - Literary legacy. - Т. 84. - . . 84, Volume 1. Moscow: Nauka, 1973. - С. 399-418.
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