- Grebenkova Yulia
Formation of phonologic system in the consciousness of a native speaker
is a difficult and long process which develops gradually, beginning in early childhood, and goes on at school, affecting the oral and written speech
of a child, including literacy. It is possible to assume that the phonologic
system of a native speaker and his writing ability are co-related.
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Bernstein S.I. Basic concepts of phonology / S.I. Bernstein // Problems of Linguistics. - 1962. - № 5. - С. 62-80.
Bogomazov G.M. Age-specific phonology / G.M. Bogomazov. - Yaroslavl: MGPU-Remder. - 2005. - 320 с.
Mukhina V.S. Age psychology / V.S. Mukhina. - М.:
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