Home Releases # 7, volume 2, 2012


Literary Сriticism


  • Linkova Yana Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor


The paper studies the relation between the works of O. Mandelstam and the oeuvre of S. Mallarmé in two different aspects. On the one hand, the author follows the Russian poet’s increasingly intimate acquaintance with the poems of the French Symbolist and studies the gradual change of attitude towards his verse. On the other, in analyzing the content of the book “Stone” we can see certain typological correspondences and parallels in treating various themes and motives – such as music, emptiness, artistic creativity. These common features allow some Western scholars to call Mandelstam as “Russian Mallarmé”.
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5. Mallarmé S. Works in verse and prose / S. Mallarme // Collected / Comp. Р. Dubrovkin. - M.: Rainbow, 1995. - In French with a parallel Russian text. - 568 с.
6. Mandelstam N.Ya. Memories / N.Ya. Mandelstam. -Book 2. - Paris: YMCA-press, 1987. - 719 с.
7. Mandelstam O.E. The Stone / O.E. Mandelstam; ed.L.Ya. Ginzburg, A.G. Metz, S.V. Vasilenko, Yu. - L.: Nauka,1990. - 298 с.
8. Mandelstam O.E. Word and culture / O.E. Mandelstam. -Moscow: Soviet writer, 1987. - 320 с.
9. Mandelstam O. E. Collected Works: In 4 Volumes / O. E. Mandelstam. -Т. 1. - M.: Art Business Center, 1993. - 367 с.
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11. Lyrics of Osip Mandelstam / V.V. Musatov. -Kyiv: Elna-N; Nika-Center, 2000. - 560 с.
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13. Eichenbaum B.M. Anna Akhmatova: Experience of analysis / B.M. Eichenbaum. -Petersburg, 1923. - 53 с.
14. Dutli R. Ossip Mandelstam "Als riefe man mich bei meinem Namen". Dialog mit Frankreich. Ein Essay uber Dichtung und Kultur /.R. Dutli. - Zurich: Ammann, 1985. - 367 р.
15. Faivre-Dupaigre A. Génèse d'un poète. Ossip Mandelstam au seuildu XX siècle / A. Faivre-Dupaigre. - Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes,1995. - 273 p.
16. Ghil R. Les dates et les œuvres. Symbolisme et poésie / R. Ghil. -Paris: G. Grès, 1923. - 156 р.
17. Mallarmé St. Oeuvres complètes / St. Mallarmé. - Paris: Gallimard,1945. - 1659 p.
18. Mallarmé St. Correspondence complète 1862-1871 suivie de lettressur la poésie 1872-1898 / St. Mallarmé; ed. établie et annotée par B. Marchal. - Paris: Gallimard, 1999. - 450 р.
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