Home Releases # 8, 2013


Literary Сriticism


  • Pavlovets Mikhail Ph. D. (Candidate of Philology), Associate Professor


Since the Soviet audience became aware of the existence of “concrete” poetry in the foreign literature, modern scholars have been repeatedly turning their attention to the similarity between European “concrete” poets and members of the so-called “Lianozov poetry school”. This research explores such similarity through works by Genrikh Sapgir, one of the most famous “Lianozov” poets. His familiarity with German “concrete poets” was predestined by the similar development of their creative literary work, and resulted in G. Sapgir’s translations of “concrete” poems by Franz Mon, Eugen Gomringer and others. He also composed original poetry based on the principle of combination and permutation.
1. Balashova, T. V., 1978, Stages of A-Poetry (Lettrism. Concrete poetry. Poetry in space). // Philological Sciences. - № 5. - С. 81-87.
2. Glad John, 1991, Conversations in Exile: The Russian Literary Abroad. - Moscow: Book Chamber. - 320 с.
3. Golovin E., 1966, Lyrics of "modern". // Modern Literature Abroad. Vol. 2. - Moscow: Soviet writer. - С. 356-372.
4. Golovin E., 1975, "Concrete poetry" and the concreteness of poetry. // Modern Literature Abroad. Vol. 4. - Moscow: Soviet writer. - С. 428-447
5. Gomringer Eugen, Mon Franz, Rüm Gerhardt, Ulrichs Tom, 1993, Concrete Poems / Translated from German and introduced by G. Sapgir. G. Sapgir. // Inostrannaya. Literature. - № 4. - С. 34-37.
6. Grobman M., 2000, Igor Kholin. Selected. Poems and Poems. // Novaya Russian book. - № 3. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. guelman.ru/slava/nrk/nrk3/29.html.
7. Kulakov V., 1999, Poetry as Fact. Moscow: New Literary Review. - 400 с.
8. Limonov Eduard, 1977, Concrete Group. // Apollo 77: An Almanac / Ed. Ed. M. Shemyakin. - Paris, [b.i.]. - С. 43-46.
9. Literary Manifestos from Symbolism to the Present Day, 2000, / Comp. Pre. S. B. Dzimbinov. - Moscow: XXI century - Concord, 2000. - 608 с
10. Makhoninova A., 2009, "To wrap speech around a situation": the spatiality of Vsevolod Nekrasov's Vsevolod Nekrasov's poetic speech. // Novoye literaturnoe. Review. - № 99. - С. 231-242
11. Mon, Franz, 1993. Texts and Collages. / Per. Romashko, G. Sapgir. - Moscow: Medium. - 64 с
12. Vs. Nekrasov, 1996, Explanatory Note. // Zhuravleva A., Nekrasov. Vs., Package. - Moscow: Meridian. - С. 299-305
13. Nekrasov Vs. Poems. 1956-1983. Vologda: BMK. - 592 с
14. Orlitsky, Y. B., 2003, Introduction to Sapgir's poetics: a system of oppositions and a strategy for overcoming them. - // The Great Heinrich: Sapgir and about Sapgir / co. T.G. Mikhailovskaya. - Moscow: Russian State University of Humanities. - С. 159-167.
15. Sapgir G., 2008, Skladen. Moscow: Vremya. (Poetic Library).
16. Kholin I., 2009, Selected. Poems and poems. Moscow: NLO. - 320 с.
17. Hartung Harald, 1975, Experimentelle Literatur unв Konkrete Poesie. – Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. – 117 S.
18. Ujvary Liesl, 1975, Inoffizielle sowjetische Dichtung: Eine Einführung. // FREIHEIT IST FREIHEIT: Inoffizielle sowjetische Lyrik / RussischDeutsch, herausgegeben von Liesl Ujvary. – Zürich: Verlag der Arche. – S. 9–15.
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