Home Releases # 10, 2015


Literary Сriticism


  • Stemberger Martina Doctor of Philology


This article explores some poetological, culturological and imagological aspects of Emmanuel Carrère’s Limonov (2011). Life as a Russian novel? First of all, this text – an illustration of Carrère’s poetics of hybridity – raises the question of its genre specificity between fact and fiction, as well as of its status in different contexts of reception. As other works by Carrère, Limonov is characterized by its pronounced metaliterary self-reflexivity; the confrontation with kaleidoscopic protagonist Limonov, a “living legend”, also conveys a fragmentary autobiography of Carrère himself. In search of his (anti-)hero, the author enters into an intertextual polylogue not only with Limonov’s auto-mytho-biographical works, but also with a multitude of other Russian writers (from Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn, from Dostoevsky to Prilepin). But Limonov’s extravagant biography serves as well as a guideline for the exploration of several decades of Soviet and post-Soviet Russian history. Finally, Carrère’s text – playing not only with literary genres, but also with Franco-Russian auto- and hetero-stereotypes – represents a particular interest on the background of current Western political and media discourse about Russia, marked by the renaissance of elementary anti-Russian clichés.
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