Home Releases # 11. 2016




  • Avina Natalia PhD in Philology, Associate Professor


In a series of studies of interlingual communication, the speech etiquette attracts some particular interest as an integral part of communicative interaction of speakers. This is most clearly demonstrated by the online communication environment, promoting new forms of existence of language and, consequently, new patterns of verbal behaviour. The present article represents some observations on the Russian speech etiquette in the interlingual communication in the socio-cultural space of Lithuania. The materials of study are business e-mails written in Russian by bilingual students. The test material generally confirms the specificity of the modern speech etiquette related to a particular decline in politeness. The speech etiquette in review reflects, on the one hand, the general processes of democratization of the modern verbal communication, typical genre communication features of e-mails; on the other hand, some regional variations caused by the Lithuanian-Russian language interaction are noted. These features relate to a grea­ ter degree to functioning of some etiquette formulas (in particular, deviations from the speech etiquette of address), as well as the inappropriateness of use of some certain forms of speech etiquette or their structural change. Since such deviations from the norms of speech etiquette in business e-mails can lead to some communicative failures, some special attention should be given to proficiency in business e-mail skills in the course of training of bilingual students.
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