Home страница Авторы Bubnova Irina
Doctor of Philology, professor, head of Department foreign philology at the Institute of Humanities of the MCU, MSU, Moscow, Russia
A member of the permanent Center for Intercultural Studies. A. A. Leoniev at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Included in the large linguistic project "Polyphony of the Big City", held annually jointly by the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University and the Moscow Institute of Linguistics. Included in the All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Cognitive Linguists" and the National Society of Applied Linguistics. Author and lead organizer of Erasmus + projects. Area of ​​scientific interests Psycholinguistics / sociopsycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, speech impact theory, discursive studies, cognitive linguistics, linguo-philosophical aspects of language.