- Kuzmina Olga Vladimirovna
The article analyzes the types of impersonal sentences in Old Slavic in terms of semantics, structure, and relation to the Greek original. For analysis, a modern communicative approach to the concept of impersonal is used. Based on specific examples from the Old Slavic text of the Gospel of Mark, published indicating discrepancies in the South Slavic monuments of writing of the oldest period by G.A. Voskresensky, the main semantic types of impersonal sentences, ways of expressing a predicate in them, as well as the presence or absence of a subject and ways of expressing it are considered. Conclusions are made about the ways of development of these sentences in the history of the Russian language, where not the number of impersonal verbs itself increased, but the use of personal verbs in impersonal meaning and suffering participles expanded.
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Kuzmina, O. V. (2022). TYPES OF IMPERSONAL SENTENCES IN OLD SLAVIC TEXTS ON THE MATERIAL OF THE GO SPEL OF MARK (SEMANTICS, STRUCTURE, RELATION TO THE GREEC ORIGINAL) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 16, 2022, 115-130.
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