Home Releases # 3, 2008


Literary Сriticism


  • Gudoniene Vida D. in Philology, Associate Professor


The article deals with the nocturnal image of the world in the late poetry by A. Fet. A. Fet's image of the night is characterised not only by high lyrical emotions, but at the same time it is filled with both sounds and scents. The poet moves from microcosmos to macrocosmos. Moreover, physical and eternal time coexists. The past always exists in the present. It is always related to memories of the beloved. Lyrical Me suffering from indisposition finds comfort only in the benign past. All sensory feelings are condensed (poetized) taking away disharmony in the present and making lyrical Me tree from being captured in reality! In the late “beauty of universe", created by A. Fet, it seems like there is no place for an exemplary farmer, owner and landlord Shenshin. However, there is one generalised aesthetic point of view- on the beauty of the world.

How to link insert

Gudoniene, V. . (2008). POETICS OF NIGHT IN «EVENING LIGHTS» BY A. FET Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 3, 2008,
1. Eichenwald Yu. Silhouettes of Russian Writers. Т. 1. - М., 1998.
2. Blagoy D. D. The world as beauty (About A. Fet's "Evening Lights") // A. A. Fet. Literary Monuments. - 2-th ed. - М.,1981. (All of Fet's texts are quoted from this edition. )
3. Botkin V. P. Literary Criticism. Publicism. Letters. -М., 1984.
4. Kirilenko E. I. Phenomenology of insomnia // Man.2005.- No.2.
5. Skatov N. N. Lyric poetry of Afanasy Fet (Origin, method, evolution) / / Dalekoe i nadokhoe. - М. 1981.
6. Sukhotina-Tolstaya T. L. Memories. - М., 1980.
7. Tarkhov A. Fet's Prose --- Shenshin // http://az.lib.ru/f/fet a /text_0180.shtml
8. Fedorov F. P. Night in Tyutchev's lyricism // Slavic readings. I -Daugavpils; Rezekne, 2000.
9. Fet Athanasius. Memories. - М., 1983.
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