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Linguistics , UDC: 811.221.18’271.2 +81’373.44+811.111+ +81’255.4 DOI: 10.25688/2619-0656.2023.11.05


  • Bekoeva Irina Davidovna PhD in Philology


The article views the specifics of translation of translingual media texts, containing representations of ethnically marked geortonyms (nominations of traditional Ossetian religious holidays and dates), into the English language. Translation into English of geortonyms used in translingual texts is a task of a particular complexity, it causes the need to develop a unified approach to the choice of translation methods, and thus determines the relevance of the study. The purpose of the research is to specify the methods and ways of forming translation correspondences when transmitting a translingual text by means of a third language. The subject of the study is represented by language code switching, implemented in translingual media texts. Geortonyms, names of holidays, important dates and festivities constitute a large group of onymic vocabulary, marked by an intra-group division into the names of secular, religious and national-traditional holidays. The geortonyms under analysis were extracted from materials presented on the websites of South Ossetian news agencies (Sputnik, RES), the newspapers “South Ossetia” and “Respublika”. The choice of media texts as the empirical material is conditioned by the fact that in the last decade the focus of socio-political activity has shifted towards electronic media, which most obviously captures the bi- and translingual features of South Ossetian socio-political communication, manifested in regular code switching from one language to the other. The article includes a brief theoretical overview of the most important concepts: translingualism, bilingualism, translingual media text. As a result of the study, the main methods of translating ethnically marked geortonyms were identified as transcription, transliteration, calque, explication.

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Bekoeva, I. D. (2023). ETHNICALLY MARKED TRANSLINGUAL TEXT AS AN OBJECT OF TRANSLATION ANALYSIS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", Russian and comparative studies, 73–89. https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2023.11.05
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