Home Releases № 16, 2022


Linguistics , UDC: 82.161.1 — 811.111 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2022.16.12


  • Kirov Evgenij Doctor of Philology, Professor
  • Mrkaic Milena Candidate of Philology
  • Belyaeva Maria D. in Philology, Associate Professor


The article discusses the means of expressing emotional states in Russian and German. The study of emotions is carried out according to the concepts of emoticons introduced here, i.e. general emotional ideas of language, which, in turn, are realized through emotives in speech - specific linguistic means at the phonemic, morphemic, lexical and syntactic levels. Emoticons can be expressed explicitly, or they can have zero embodiment. Examples in Russian and German are considered to illustrate the above provisions. The relevance and novelty of the study is due to the construction of its own original trajectory of describing emoticons as elements of the language mode and comparative analysis of emoticons in two unrelated European languages. It is shown that the most common way of expressing a mode in speech are emotives of the lexical level, which confirms V.V. Vinogradov’s idea of the presence in the Russian language of such a part of speech as modal words (modalems).

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Kirov, E. ., Mrkaic, M. . & Belyaeva, M. . (2022). EMOTIONAL COMPONENT IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE MODE OF LANGUAGE (BASED ON THE MATERIAL OF RUSSIAN AND GERMAN) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 16, 2022, 204-221. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2022.16.12
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