Home Releases № 15. 2021


Linguistics , UDC: 81.114-4 DOI: 10.25688/2619-0656.2021.15.07


  • Sirotkina Tatyana Doctor of Philology, Professor


The functioning of the Russian language in the modern world is a question that currently worries not only the Russian linguistic community, but also philologists from the near and far abroad. It is no less important to describe the functioning of the Russian language not in the global, but in the local dimension, since it is from such “puzzles” that the general picture of the existence of the language is formed. We will try to present in detail the directions of research of one of the regional variants of the language — the language functioning in the space of the regional text of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug — Ugra. One of the topical areas of regional linguistic research is the analysis and study of the features of the local dialect. The peculiarities of the northern dialects are also inherent in the group of dialects common in the studied territory, which scientists call the dialects of the Ob-Irshysh interfluve. The language and culture of the first settlers were influenced by a foreign language environment. As a result, a peculiar linguistic complex has developed in the dialects of the West Siberian region, in which, firstly, the linguistic features of the “mother base” have been preserved, i.e. features of the North Russian dialect, and, secondly, arising under the influence of the languages of the indigenous inhabitants of the studied regions. Another topical direction is the ethnolinguistic study of the language of the city. The elements of urban vernacular, the system of individual sociolects and professional lectures (for example, oil workers, gas workers), and urban onomasticon are subject to detailed description. Important and interesting aspects of linguistic studies of local linguistics are the analysis of interlingual relations, the description of the local onomastic space. The description of local toponymy and anthroponymy makes it possible to identify the linguistic foundations of local names, to trace the history of settlement and development of the region, to describe the linguistic picture of the world of ethnic groups inhabiting the region. Such a direction of research as the analysis of the language of works of art by local authors fits into the mainstream of modern linguopersonology — a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of the language of individual linguistic personalities. Thus, the Russian language in the mirror of the regional text is the toponyms and ergonyms that function in the given territory, the names of local realities, urban vernacular and professional jargons of Siberian pioneers, the language of texts of the past and contemporary works of art by regional authors. All this constitutes the cultural and linguistic space of the region, which requires careful research and description.

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Sirotkina, T. . (2021). RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IN THE MIRROR OF THE REGIONAL TEXT (BASED ON THE MATERIAL OF THE LANGUAGE SPACE ОF THE KHANTY-MANSIYSK AUTONOMOUS OKRUG — YUGRA) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 15. 2021, 110-121. https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2021.15.07
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