Home Releases # 11, volume 2, 2017


Linguistics , UDC: 811.161.1


  • Shapoval Viktor Candidate of Philology, associate professor


The article aimed at the analysis of some features typical of the language of Siberian newspapers in 1918. The press of that time shows how new nominations came into use, how their variants were selected and assimilated, how they developed and left the stage. In ad dition, the process of spreading the new spelling principles could be traced in details. There were a serious number of misspelled words in the texts, e. g.: тормаз — instead of тормоз meaning “brake; obstacle”, зат ордоном — закордоном — “abroad”, etc. Regional and dialectal words were regularly used in the texts, e.g.: очудиться — instead of очутиться “to get in”, односелец — односельчанин “a fellow villager”, зародок — зародыш, “embryo”; “symptoms of a new political phenomenon”, etc. Abbreviations were very popular at that time, e. g. in political slogans: Тов.! — instead of Товарищи! “comrades”. The level of hate speech in the press of that time, compared to the present time standards, seems to be quite modest. In general, the press of that time used to still keep unchanged the style and rhetoric devices of the previous period.

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Shapoval, V. . (2017). REGIONAL AND EPOCHAL ELEMENTS IN THE LANGUAGE OF SIBERIAN NEWSPAPERS OF 1918 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 11, volume 2, 2017,
1. Golos Sibiri. 11–13. YAnv. 1918. № 7–9.
2. Mokienko V.M., Nikitina T.G. Tolkovyj slovar’ yazyka Sovdepii. Sankt-Peterburg: Folio-Press, 1998. 701 s.
3. Narodnaya Sibir’. 27 sentyabrya 1918. № 71; 26 noyabrya 1918. № 119. 
4. Svobodnyj golos. 10 (23) marta 1918. № 1.
5. Sibirskij golos. 1918. 6 (19 marta) 1918. №1. 
6. Sibirskaya pressa. Biblioteka sibirskogo kraevedeniya URL: http://bsk.nios.ru/.
7. Slovar’ russkikh narodnykh govorov. Vyp. 10. Leningrad: Nauka, 1974. 388 s.; Vyp. 23. Leningrad: Nauka, 1987. 376 s.; Vyp. 25. Leningrad: Nauka, 1990. 353 s. 
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