Home Releases # 13. 2019


Linguistics , UDC: 81’42 DOI: 10.25688/2619-0656.2019.13.20


  • Plotnikova Svetlana Doctor of Philology, Professor


The aim of this paper is to propose a cognitive model of communication community. The starting point is the philosophical theory by K.-O. Apel in which communication community, in contrast to social and territorial communities, is conceived as “unlimited” being based on coordinated, or mutual, understanding. This definition is not sufficiently explanatory and so far no research has been done to make it applicable to linguistics. The theoretical claim proved in this paper is that communication community should be understood, first, as a structural and, second, as a cognitive, or knowledge, community. The structural approach to communication community reveals the main characteristic of discourse produced in it, namely its relevance as a condition for maintaining coordinated communicative behavior. The inclusion of a person in the communication community depends on his / her ability to produce such discourses which will be in demand by other participants and thus retain his / her co-presence with them. 

The acceptability of discourse means that the speaker has been accepted as a communicative personality. In this interpretation communicative personality is understood from the standpoint of the model of communicative act – as addresser or addressee. The exchange of messages between them presupposes their co-presence in the same communication community. The cognitive approach to communication community implies that knowledge is viewed as a product of communication community, as well as the cause for its formation. The investigation has established that two cognitive operations – knowledge transfer and knowledge creation – are carried out and interact in the process of communication community formation. Knowledge transfer is defined as transfer of data of any kind from individual to individual and knowledge creation – as new information obtained by an individual or a group and considered by the communication community as new knowledge. 

The notion of interpretative discourse through which knowledge transfer and knowledge creation are realized verbally is introduced and two types of it, namely explanatory and argumentative discourse, are singled out. The distinction between objective and subjective knowledge, the latter including false, fake and destructive knowledge, is drawn and then applied to the differentiation of types of communication communities. The paper also explores the ways in which communication community correlates with, and is shaped by, collective cognition and collective interpretative activity.

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Plotnikova, S. . (2019). THE ROLE OF INTERPRETATIVE DISCOURSE IN THE ORGANIZATION OF COMMUNICATION COMMUNITY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 13. 2019, 304-315. https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2019.13.20
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