Home Releases # 4, 2009




  • Jurkėnas Juozas Doctor of Philology, Professor


Proper names quite often represent relics of the most ancient epoch. In the article the attempt is made to open and to select such ”linguistic excavation”, to give the analysis of the limited quantity of the proper names and to state one’s opinions. The main conclusion consists of the following. There is a basis to think that it is possible to speak not only about the presence of a layer so-called “old European” hydronymy which is already perceived as a well-known fact. However, it may be presumed that it is rational to speak about the existence of the Old European Onomastics Union as a special areal community.

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Jurkėnas, J. . (2009). ONOMASTICS AS A FRAGMENT OF LINGUISTIC PALAENTOLOGY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 4, 2009,
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