Home Releases # 1, 2006


Literary Сriticism


  • Smirnova Alfia Doctor of Philology, Professor


Mythical-poetic context of the image of tree in the Russian prose literature of the 1970s—1980s (‘Farewell to Matera' by V. Rasputin, ‘The Tsar-fish’ by V Astafyev, ‘The Echo’ by Yu. Sbitnev, ‘Father-forest' by A. Kim) is considered in the article, tree being seen as a sacral center of the world, animalistic plant, totemic image. The echoes of the ancient worship of trees reveal themselves sometimes in fragments, but sometimes make a foundation of the integral philosophic conception of the authors.

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Smirnova, A. . (2006). TREE AS A MYTHICAL-POETIC SYMBOL IN RUSSIAN NATURAL-PHILOSOPHIC PROSE OF THE 1970S–1980S Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 1, 2006,
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