Home Releases # 1, 2006


Literary Сriticism


  • Novikov Yuri D. in Philology, Professor


Right away after the Kirsha Danilov’s Collection was printed (1804) it became one of the main sources of secondary epic knowledge for folk singers. More than a quarter of dependent on books texts of bylinas are completely or partly connected with іt. In the respect ‘Ancient Russian Verses’ are inferior only to А.F. Gilferding's and P.N. Rybnikov‘s collections. All secondary records of 4 epic plots as well as more than half of the variants of 7 epic songs are connected with the collection from the Urals.

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Novikov, Y. . (2006). THE KIRSHA DANILOV’S COLLECTION AND THE SECOND CURRENCY OF BYLINAS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 1, 2006,
1. Pozdneyev A.V. Common Places and "Transpositions" in Byliny // Problems of the History of Literature. The History of Russian Literature in Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute, Moscow, 1964. М., 1964. С. 65-86.
2. Ukhov P. D. From the observations on the style of the collection of Kirsha Danilov / / Russian folklore. VOL. I. M.; L., 1956. С. 97-115.
3. Eugenieva A.P. Manuscript of the Collection of Kirsha Danilov and some of its features // Ancient Russian poems collected by Kirsha Danilov / Prepared by A.P. Eugenieva and B.N. Putilov. М., 1977. С. 414-424.
4. Putilov B. N. Collection of Kirsha Danilov and his place in Russian folkloristics // Ancient Russian poems, collected by Kirsha Danilov / prepared by A. P. Evgeniev and B. N. Putilov. М., 1977. С. 361-404.
5. Gorelov A.A. Who was the author of "Ancient Russian Poems" / / Russian folklore. Т. VII. M.; L., 1961. С. 293-312.
6. Gorelov A.A. Trilogy about Ermak from the Collection of Kirsha Danilov (Polemical Notes) // Russian Folklore. T. VI.M.; L., 1961. С. 344-376.
7. Gorelov A.A. Diffusion of elements of oral-poetic technique in the Collection of Kirsha Danilov // Russian folklore. VOL. XIV. Leningrad. 1974. С. 166-201.
8. Gorelov A. A. The Testament Book // Ancient Russian Poems, collected by Kirsha Danilov / Edited by A.A. Gorelov. SPb., 2000. С. 440.
9. A. Novikov Y. A. Byliny from the collection of Kirsha Danilov in the context of the northern Russian tradition // Local traditions in folk culture of the Russian North. Materials of the IV international scientific conference Ryabininskie readings-2003. Petrozavodsk, 2003. С. 96-100.
10. Novikov J.A. About the creators of the handwritten copy of Kirsha Danilov's Collection // Humanitaro zinatnu velstnesis №5.Daugavpils, 2004. C. 7-14.
11. Novikov U.A. Bylina and the Book: Analytical Index of the Book-Dependent and Falsified Bylina Texts. SPb., 2001.
12. M.: Typography of A. Mamontov; Russian Khrestomatiya with the Notes: For High Schools / Compiled by Andrey Filonov. Part 1. SPb. 1869.
13. Ilya Muromets, a peasant's son. According to folk bylinas. Narrated by V. Ostrogorsky. St. Petersburg, 1869.
14. History about the brave and glorious hero Ilya of Murom and Nightingale the Robber. Moscow: Publishing House of Anton Abramov, 1871.
15. A summary bylina about Ilya Muromtse / compiled by V.P.Henning. SPb., 1872.
16. The Book about Russian Heroes: A Compilation of 24 selected bylinyans of the Old Kievan Epic / compiled by V.P.Avenarius. SPb, 1876.
17. A. Novikov. Collection of Kirsha Danilov and the secondary existence of byliny of the 19th century. М., 1879.
18. Nightingale the Robber, the Thunderer of Murmansk Forests.Skazka (from Vladimir's time). M.: Publishing House of P.I.Orekhov, 1879.
19. Folk Poetry. Byliny. Songs. Spiritual verses / With an introduction and an explanatory dictionary. Compiled by A. Oksenov. The 2nd edition of SPb. 1898.
20. Book of Byliny:The Selected Samples of Russian Folk Epic Poetry / Compiled by V.P.Avenarius. 3 th ed. M., 1893.
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