Home Releases # 1, 2006


Literary Сriticism


  • Chesnokova Tatyana Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor


The article presents an analysis of essential substance and evolution of Shakespearean motifs in Alexander Blok's lyrics at different periods of his creative activity. The subject of the analysis is not only conscious reminiscences of Shakespeare’s images in Blok‘s poetry but also unconscious analogies, based on typological similarity of certain moments of creative evolution of the two artists. Speaking of the motifs of Shakespeare's ‘Hamlet’ in the creative works of the Russian symbolist the author underlines their mediated nature and their association with stage experience of young Blok who took the part of Hamlet in an amateur performance in Boblovo. Thus Hamlet's character appears to be а kind of impersonation of Blok’s lyrical hero and a character closely connected with a certain tradition in Russian and western poetry of XIX century. The motifs of other Shakespeare’s tragedies are viewed in the same context of Blok’s creative evolution and against the background of the Russian poet's conception of Shakespearean tragedy and the tragic itself.

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Chesnokova, T. . (2006). SHAKESPEAREAN MOTIFS IN ALEXANDER BLOK’S LYRIC POEMS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 1, 2006,
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