Home Releases # 1, 2006


Literary Сriticism


  • Romanenkova Marina Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor


In the article under discussion the works of the famous Lithuanian Jurgis Baltrushaitis (1873–1944) are analyzed in their connection with Russian cultural tradition. The author of the article argues that Baltrushaitis regarded the unique features of Onegin’s stanza from the novel ‘Evgeny Onegin’ by A. Pushkin as the most adequate genre-stylistic form for the poem ‘Dulkés ir žvaigždés’ in the Lithuanian language. In the Lithuanian language Onegin’s вини reflected the peculiar style of Baltrushaitis and corresponded to the poetic system of his native language.

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Romanenkova, M. . (2006). ONEGIN’S STANZA IN THE STROPHIC REPERTOIRE OF THE JURGIS BALTRUSHAITIS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 1, 2006,
1. Baltrušaitis J. The Tree in the Fire: Poems. Vilnius, 1983.
2. Gasparov M.L. Russian Poems of the 1890s-1925 in Commentary. М.,1993.
3. Gasparov M.L. An Essay on the History of Russian Verse. М., 2000.
4. Gachev G. National images of the world. М., 1988.
5. Grinbaum O. N. Rhythm and Architectonics of the Onegin stanza // Aesthetic and Formal Poetry. ... St. Petersburg, 2001 [ http://rusnauka.narod.ru/lib/author/grinbaum_ol/3/index.html] (23. 10. 2004).
6. Grinbaum O. A comparative analysis of the Onegin stanza of Pushkin and Baratynskij // Respectus philologicus. N 1(6). 2002 [http://filologija.vukhf.lt/102green.htm] (10. 12. 2004).
7. Daujotite V. Jurgis Baltrušaitis. Vilnius, 1983.
8. Pushkin A.S. Eugene Onegin // Pushkin A.S. Collected Works: In 10 vol. VOL. 4. MOSCOW, 1975.
9. J. Baltrušaitis // The Age of translation: Russian poetical translation of XX- XXI centuries, 2005 [ www.vekperevoda.com ] (10.01.2005).
10. Baltrušaitis J. Dulkės ir žvaigždės. Poemos pratarmė // Baltrušaitis J. Poczija.Vilnius, 1967. The subtranslation is mine. - M.R. The text of this article quotes from the poem, indicating the stanza and verse number in parentheses.
11. Baltrušaitis J. Autobiografijos žinios // Baltrušaitis J. Poczija. Vilnius, 1967.
12. Daujotytė V. Jurgis Baltrušaitis --- metafizinis poetas // Jurgis Baitrušaitis: poetas, vertėjas, diplomatas. Vilnius, 1999. Translation from Lithuanian here and further is mine. M.R.
13. Gaižiūnas S. Kultūros tradicijos baltų literatūrouse. Vilnius, 1989.
14. Kubilius V. Jurgio Baltrušaičio kelias // Baltrušaitis J. Poczija. Vilnius, 1967.
15. Merkelis A. Žmogus visatoje (Didžiojo dainiaus J.Baltrušaičio mirtics proga) /lAteitis. Kaunas, 1943. Balandžio 3.
16. Šliogeris A. Zmogaus egzistencija ir šiuolaikinis romanas // Šiuolaikinės literatūros pasaulis. Vilnius, 1989.
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