Home Releases # 1, 2006


Literary Сriticism


  • Belova Elena Doctor of Philology,, Associate Professor


General postmodernistic view on ‘the death of the author’ in lyrics led to the idea of the rejection of self-expression. ‘Lyrical subject’ in modern vanguard poetry is changed into a ‘mask‘, ‘personage’ or nonsubjecuveness (a text lacking an open expression of feelings with the help of lyrical ‘me’ form). Both these forms of author‘s awareness manifestation appear to be leading in Nina Iskrenko’s poetxy (1951–1995), which have an open game character. However, awareness of the tragic destiny of the author (the incurable disease, from which the author died being just 44 years old) leads the poetess to the cardinal changes in her work. She drops the mask, rejects the postmodernistic game in favour of sincere expression of feelings. The poetry written before the author’s death demonstrates the turn to the traditional values, to the Eternal, to God.

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Belova, E. . (2006). NINA ISKRENKO’S POETRY: FROM AUTHOR’S MASK TO LYRICAL SUBJECT Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 1, 2006,
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