Home Releases # 3, 2008




  • Kazimjanez Elena Doctor of Humanities, Assistant Professor


The article deals with the Russian preposition and its equivalent be in the Lithuanian language. The prepositions are determined as one of the formal means of negation in both languages. The comparative analysis showed that the Russian and the Lithuanian preposition без can express the same negative meanings and are used only with Genitive case in the identical negative constructions. Two main cases of usage of and as a means of negation in the given languages were described in the article. Although the comparative analysis indicated that these prepositions share a common base in their semantics and obtain similarity in their usage, still some specific features of each one were described as well. It was pointed out that semantic range of the preposition is wider than the semantic capacity of the preposition без. On the other hand, the Russian preposition без when accompanied by the negative particle не can produce constructions with double negation. These constructions express a specific affirmation with a slightly negative meaning. The similarity of meanings and functions of the prepositions and be can be explained as a result of their etymological relationship.

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Kazimjanez, E. . (2008). THE RUSSIAN PREPOSITION БЕЗ AND ITS LITHUANIAN EQUIVALENT BE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 3, 2008,
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