Home Releases # 2, 2007


Literary Сriticism


  • Dzhanumov Seyran Doctor of Philology, Professor


The topic of this article is the first literary-critical works of the outstanding Russian critic and publicist Ivan Vasilyevich Kireevsky (1806-1856). The idea of the historical and literary process of the first half of the nineteenth century cannot be complete without highlighting the regularities - the patterns of formation and development of Russian criticism of the time. Kireevskij's article "Something about the Character of Pushkin's Poetry" for the first time analyzes Pushkin's career as a poet as an organic process that constitutes the perspective of the movement of modern Russian literature. Kireevsky's article "Review of Russian Literature for 1829" traces the pattern of evolution of three periods of Russian literature in the tenth and twentieth years of the nineteenth century associated with the names of N. M. Karamzin, V. A. Zhukovsky, and A. S. Pushkin.
1. Белинский, В. Г. 1976-1982. Сочинения Александра Пушкина // Собр. соч.: В 9 т. -Москва: Художественная литература.
2. Вяземский, П. А., 1982. Художественная литература. Т.2 // Сочинения: В 2 т. -Москва: Художественная литература.
3. Герцен, А. И. Былое и думы. - Москва: Художественная литература. Декабристы:эстетика и критика. 1991. - Москва: изд-во МГУ.
4. Еремеев, А. Э. 1996. И. В. Киреевский. Литературные и философско-эстетические искания (1820-1830). - Омск: ОмГПУ.
5. Киреевский, И. В. 1984. Избранные статьи. - Москва: Современник.
6. Киреевский, И. В. 1979. Критика и эстетика. - Москва: Искусство.
7. Пушкин, А. С. 1937-1949. Полное собр. соч.: в 16 т. - Москва: АН СССР.
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