Home Releases # 6, 2011


Literary Сriticism


  • Belyaeva Irina Doctor of Philology, Professor


The article deals with the portraits of some female characters in Gogol’s poem ‘Dead Souls’ and Goncharov’s novel ‘Oblomov’, which represent genetic and typological reference to the image of Dante’s Beatrice. The principles of creating a portrait of the ideal beauty applied by Gogol and Goncharov are different. The first writer aims to ensure that the sublime beauty is not diminished by earthly imperfection; the latter sees manifestation of the ideal harmony in the earthy woman. As the creative experience of Goncharov proved, the idea of beauty and perfection of the world was extremely important to the Russian classic novel and closely connected with the ideal of femininity, personified in the living female image.

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Belyaeva, I. . (2011). PORTRAITS OF ‘RUSSIAN BEATRICE’ IN GOGOL’S AND GONCHAROV’S PROSE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 6, 2011,
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