Home Releases # 5, 2010


Literary Сriticism


  • Malygina Nina Doctor of Philology, Professor


As it is established in the article, works of A. Platonov have connections with works of S. Krzhizhanovsky. It is detected that Platonov and Krzhizhanovsky worked at the same period for the magazine “Literary critic”. It was shown that the conception of discontinuity of visual perception expressed in Krzhizhanovsky’s tale “Chinks collec- tor” has influenced the concept of “The Beautiful and Fierce World” by Platonov.
1. Avdeyenko A. Excommunication / A. Avdeyenko // Znamya. - 1989. - No 3. - С. 5-73.
2. Andrey Platonov in the Documents of the OGPU-NKVD-NKGB 1930-1945. PubliThe Country of Philosophers" by Andrey Platonov: Problems of Creation. - Vol. 4. - MOSCOW: IMLI-RAN. Nasledie, 2000. - С. 848-884.
3. Bovshek A. Through the Eyes of a Friend: Materials for the Biography of Sigismund Dominikovich Krzhizhanovsky. Indicated in the article: Perelmuter V. "The nicknamed genius" / A. Bovshek // Krzhizhanovsky S. Tales for wunderkinds. - Moscow: Soviet writer, 1991. - С. 3-27.
4. Power and the Artistic Intelligentsia: Documents of the RCP(b) - VKP(b), VCK-OGPU-NKVD on the Cultural Policy. 1917-1953. - M.: MFD, 1999. - C. 439-444.
5. Galushkin A. Andrei Platonov - I.V. Stalin - "Literary critic" / A. Galushkin // Andrei Platonov's "Country of philosophers": Problems of creativity. - M.: IMLI RAN. Nasledie, 2000. - С. 815-826.
6. Gorky, M. About the point and the bump / M. Gorky // Izvestia, Pravda. - 1933. - 10 July.
7. Diary of A.I. Vyurkov // RGALI. F. 2194, op. 1, ed. 474.
8. Chekhonte and Chekhov (Birth and Death of Humoresque) / S. Krzhizhanovsky // Collected Works: in 5 vols. - С. 574-604.
9. Krzhizhanovsky S. Collector of Slots / S. Krzhizhanovsky // Krzhizhanovsky S. Tales for Wunderkind. - Moscow: Soviet writer, 1991. - С. 29-282. 10. 10. Krzhizhanovsky S.D. Collected works: in 5 vols. -Т. 1. - SPb.: Symposium, 2001. - С. 463-484.
10. literary heritage. - Т. 70. - Moscow: Nauka, 1963. - С. 313-315.
11. literary heritage. - Т. 70. - Moscow: Nauka, 1963. - С. 313-315.
12. nagibin Y. Diary / Y. Nagibin. - Moscow: Independent Publishers PIK, 1966. - 617 с.
13. On good stories and editorial routine (ed. article) / / Literat-.Literary critic. - 1936. - No 8. - С. 108-113.
14. Perelmuter V. After the catastrophe / V. Perelmuter // Krzhizhanov.Peremutter // Krzhizhanovsky S. Collected works: in 5 vols. - SPb.: Symposium, 2001. - С. 5-70.
15. Perelmuter V. "The nicknamed genius" / V. Perelmuter // Krzhizhanovsky S. Tales.
16. Krzhizhanovsky S. Tales for child prodigies. - Moscow: Soviet writer, 1991. - С. 3-26. 16. Platonov A. "I do not need this for 'glory'..." (Letters to M. Gorky) /.
17. А. Platonov / / Problems of Literature. - 1988. - No 9. - С. 176-180.
18. V. Ivanov's archive // RGB. F. 673, k. 45, f. xr. 35.
19. RGALI. F. 1452, op. 1, f. xr. 47, л. 2.
20. The article "On the First Socialist Tragedy" is cited for the first time in fragments of the article: Annynsky L. Revelation and revelation: Gorky and Platonov / L. Annynsky // Literary Review. - 1989. - No 9. - С. 3-21. 20. Transcript of the creative evening of Andrei Platonov at the All-Russian
21. The Transcript of the Creative Evening of Andrei Platonov at the All-Russian Union of Soviet Writers on February 1, 1932. // Pa. world. - 1989. - No. 6. - С. 98-114.
22. Usievich E. Conversation about the hero / E. Usievich // Literary critic. - 1937. - No 9-10. - С. 154-188.
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