Home Releases # 5, 2010


Literary Сriticism


  • Alexeenko Svetlana


Using Goethe’s receptions in the novel “Rudin”, tales “Faust” and “Asya”, I.S. Turgenev reinterprets the mythologem of Faustian archetype, which is connected with the main character’s temptation by love to a woman. Turgenev introduces some Faustian motifs in his works, for example, the image of wings or the motif of flight as a kind of incarnation of uncontrollable dream and absolute freedom. There can be also mentioned the motif of a flying moment — the theme, which was always interesting to the Russian author.
1. Turgenev I.S. Complete Works: in 30 volumes / I.S.Turgenev.-M.:Nauka, 1978-1992.
2. Turgenev I.S. Collected Works: in 12 vols. - M.: Literatura Hudozhestvennaya, 1975-1980.
3. Goethe I.V. Collected Works: in 10 vols. - Moscow: literary criticism, 1975-1980. 4.
4. GoetheI.W.Faust.-München:VerlagC.H.Beck,2007.-777s.
5. Bityugova I.A. Turgenev's Faust and Goethe's Faust / I.A.Bityugova // In memory of Efim Grigor'evich Etkind: Collection of reports of the international conference Two Turgenev's teachers: Goethe and Pushkin - poets of love. - Paris, 2001. - С. 145-154.
6. Vasilyeva G. M. The scene "Auerbach's cellar in Leipzig" in the tragedy "Faust" by J.W. von Goethe: the experience of translation and commentary / G.M. Vasilyeva // Scientific Vestnik of VGASU. - Voronezh, 2007. - No 7. - С. 138-150.
7. Herzen A.I.Collected works: in 30 volumes / A.I.Herzen.-To.9.-Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, 1956.
8. Gubbenet I.V. To the problem of understanding of a literary and literary text / I.V. Gubbenet. - M.: Publishing house of the Moscow State University, 1981. - 110 с.
9. Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy: translated from Italian. M. Lozinski / Dante Alighieri. - M.: Pravda, 1982. - 640 с.
10. Zhirmunsky V.M. Goethe in Russian literature / V.M. Zhirmunsky. - L.: Nauka, 1981. - 558 с.
11. Markovich V.M. Notes / V.M. Markovich, L.M. Dolotova / I.S. Turgenev Collected Works: in 12 vol.-To. 6 - M.: Art literature, 1978. - 367 с.
12. Stetsenko E.A. Concept of tradition in the literature of XX-th century / E.A. Stetsenko // Art guidelines of the foreign literature of XX-th century. - M: IMPLY RAN, 2002. - С. 47-82.
13. Ekkerman I.P. Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life: translated from German. Translated from German by E.T. Rudneva / I.P. Eckermann. - M.-L.: Academia, 1934. - 969 с.
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