Home Releases # 7, volume 1, 2012




  • Kirov Evgenij Doctor of Philology, Professor


In this paper we consider the origin of a letter as a language token. The solution proposed is so simple that it can explain the amazing pheno­menon of similarity of letters in different geographically distanced alphabets. According to the paper, the letter is a schematic image of the position of speech organs at the moment of speech production. Some of the letters still remain iconic, for example, the letter “o” in the graphic systems of different languages. It is a plausible explanation for the similarity in the shape of letters belonging to different graphic systems of the world. This similarity is seen as inevitable as identical sounds existing in different languages can only be represented by similar or identical tokens.
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20. Chudinov V.A. The universe of Russian writing before Cyril /. V.A. Chudinov. - MOSCOW: ALVA-PERVAYA, 2007. - 665 c.
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