Home Releases # 7, volume 2, 2012


Literary Сriticism


  • Gromova Alla Doctor of Philology, Professor


The article deals with the mythological subtext of the dreams of the protagonist Marakulin of the novel “Sisters of the Cross” by A.M. Remizov. In the first dream the character is compared with Prometheus, in the second one — with Pro­phet Ezekiel by the Old Testament Book, in the third — with John Baptist, in the fourth — with the new Christ. Thus, subtext shows evolution of the hero from immediate (“pagan”) attitude to Christian idea of sacrificial love to people.
1. Gracheva A.M. A. Remizov and Old Russian Culture / A.M. Gracheva. - St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin, 2000. - 334 с.
2. Danilevsky A.A. A realioribus ad realia / A.A. Danilevsky //. Scientific notes of Tartu State University. - 1987. - Wyp. 781. - С. 99-123.
3. Danilevsky A.A. On the pre-revolutionary "novels" of A.M. Remizov / A.A. Danilevsky // Remizov A. Selected. - L.: Lenizdat, 1991. - С. 596-607.
4. Myths of the Peoples of the World. Encyclopedia: In 2 vols. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1991-1992. - 671 p.; 719 p.
5. Nagornaya N.A. Poetics of Dreams and the Style of the Prose of A.M. Remizov: Ph. ... candidate of philological sciences / N.A. Nagornaya. - Barnaul, 1997. - 216 с.
6. Obatnina E. A. M. Remizov: Personality and creative practices. Writer / E. Obatnina. - M.: NLO, 2008. - 296 с.
7. Remizov А.М. Collected works: In 10 vol./ А.М. Remizov. - Vol. 4. The Wailing Ditch. - Moscow: Russian Book Publisher, 2001. - 560 с.
8. Rystenko A.V. Notes of Alexey Remizov Works. A.V. Rystenko. - Odessa: "Economic" printing house, 1913. - 114 с.
9. Svarovskaya A.S. Problem of hero and environment in the story of A.M. Remizov "Cross Sisters" / A.S. Svarovskaya // Artistic creativity and literary process. - Vol. 9. - Tomsk: Tomsk University Press, 1988. - С. 47-58.
10. Slavic Mythology: Encyclopedic Dictionary. - Moscow: Ellis Luck, 1995. - 416 с.
11. Slobin G. Remizov's prose 1900-1921 / G. Slobin; translated from English. G.A. Krylov. - SPb: Academy Project, 1997. - 206 с.
12. Toporov V.N. About "The Cross Sisters" by A.M. Remizov: Poetry Poetry and truth. (Article one) / V.N. Toporov // Biography and creativity In Russian culture of the early twentieth century: Blokov's collection IX. In memory of . Maksimov. Inst. of TSU. - Vyp. 857. - Tartu, 1989. - С. 138-158.
13. Tyryshkina E. V. "The Cross Sisters" by A.M. Remizov: Conception And Poetics / E. V. Tyryshkina. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 1997. - 235 с.
14. Christianity: Encyclopedic Dictionary: In 2 vols. S. S. Averintsev. - Т. 1. - Moscow: The Big Russian Encyclopedia, 1993. - 863 с. 15. Tsiv'yan T. On Remizov's Hypnology and Hypnography / T. Tsiv'yan // The Silver Age in Russia. - Moscow: Radix, 1993. - С. 199-238.
15. Tsiv'yan T. On Remizov's Hypnology and Hypnography / T. Tsiv'yan // The Silver Age in Russia. - Moscow: Radix, 1993. - С. 199-238.
16. Aronian S. The Hidden Determinant: Three Novels of Remizov / S. Aronian // Russian Literature Triquarterly. – 1986. – № 19. – P. 127–163.
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