Home Releases # 8, 2013


Literary Сriticism


  • Valiulis Svetlana D. in Humanities, Associate Professor


The article “Schopenhauer’s ideas in aesthetical searching of the Russian symbolists” analyzes the impact of Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophical ideas such as irrationalism and intuitivism made on the formation of the aesthetical concepts of the Russian symbolists. It has been emphasized that the symbolists, with the exception of Fyodor Sologub, treated A. Schopenhauer not just as “a philosopher of life” but rather turned to his gnoseology, the context of which served as a foundation for their understanding of the nature of creation and the role of an individual in the creative process. It has been established that the reception of A. Schopenhauer’s philosophy was distinguished by its creative nature. On the basis of A. Schopenhauer’s philosophical ideas, the Russian symbolists created their own aesthetical concepts. They regarded art as a means of transforming the world. The consciousness of the Russian symbolists merged A. Schopenhauer’s ideas with the Russian religious idea, with Vladimir Solovyov’s philosophy in the first place
1. Balmont K. D., 1904, Mountain Peaks. - Collection of articles. - Book One. - Moscow: Grif.
2. Belyi A., 1989, At the Turn of Two Centuries. - Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatury.
3. Belyi A., 1990, The Beginning of the Century. - Moscow: Art Literature.
4. Belyi A., 1994, Symbolism as World Understanding. - Moscow: Respublika.
5. Briusov V., 1975, Collected Works: In 7 vols.- Vol. 6. - Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatury.
6. Zverev, A., 1992, The twentieth century as a literary epoch. - Vyp. 2. - С. 24-42.
7. Ivanov Vyach. 1994, Native and Universal. - Moscow: Respublika.
8. Solovyov V.V., 1989, Works: In 2 vols.v. - Volume II. - Moscow: Mysl.
9. Sologub F., 1991, Creating a Legend: In 2 Books - Book II. - Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya Literatury. - С. 143-214.
10. Sologub F., 2001, The Spell of the Walls. Articles. // Collected Works: In 6 vols. Т. 2. - Moscow: Intelvak Research and Production Complex. - С. 488-571.
11. Schopenhauer A., 1993, The World as Will and Representation: In 2 vols: Nauka.
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