Home Releases # 7, volume 2, 2012


Literary Сriticism


  • Dubinina Tatyana Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor


The article discusses the specific characteristics of Turgenev’s creative perception of artistic and philosophical ideas of Pushkin’s poetry. The author of the article takes as material the following texts: Pushkin’s poem “Dar naprasniy, dar sluchayniy…” and Turgenev’s poems “Tsvetok”, “Vecher”, “Parasha”, “Andrey”. The author investigates Turgenev`s creative polemics with his great predecessor as an important step towards continuation of Pushkin’s tradition in his mature works
1. Batiuto A.I. Turgenev the novelist / A.I. Batiuto // Batiuto A.I. Selected works. - SPb.: Nestor-history, 2004. - C. 315-568.
2. Belinsky V.G. Articles and reviews. February - May 1843 / V.G. Belinsky / / V.G. Belinsky V.G. Complete Works: In 13 vols. - Vol. 7 - M: Izd vo. VOL. 7 - M: PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR, 1953-1959. - С. 7-96.
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5. Klugue R.-D. Ideological Content of the Early Poetry of I.S. Turgenev / R.-D. Klugue // I.S. Turgenev and Modernity: Papers and reports of the International Scientific Conf. dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the P.G. Pustovoyt. Scientific editor. - Moscow: Dialogue-MSU, 1997. - C. 99-106.
6. Kurlyandskaya G.B. I.S. Turgenev and Russian Literature / G.B. Kurlyandskaya. - Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1980. - 192 c.
7. Kurlyandskaya, G.B. I.S. Turgenev: Worldview, Method, Traditions / G.B. Kurlyandskaya. - Tula: publishing house Grif & K, 2001. - 229 c.
8. Pushkin A.S. Complete Works: In 10 vols. B. Tomashevsky. - 4 th ed. - L.: Science, 1977-1979.
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11. Trofimova T.B. "How nice, how fresh were the roses...". (The image Rose in works of I.S. Turgenev) / T.B. Trofimova // Russian literature. - 2007. - № 4. - C. 127-138.
12. Turgenev I.S. Complete Works and Letters: in 28 vols. Letters: In 13 vols. / I.S. Turgenev. - Moscow; L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1960-1968.
13. Friedman N.V. Turgenev's Poems and Pushkin's Tradition. N.V. Friedman // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Dept. of Literature and Language. - М.: Nauka, 1969. - VOL. XXVIII. - Vol. 3. - С. 232-242.
14. Tseytlin A.G. "Eugene Onegin" and Russian literature. A.G. Tseytlin // Pushkin - the founder of new Russian literature. - Moscow, L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1941. - С. 335-364.
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