Home Releases # 7, volume 2, 2012


Literary Сriticism


  • Belyaeva Irina Doctor of Philology, Professor


The article draws parallels between Goethe’s “Faust” and Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”, which in the scientific tradition is not sufficiently addressed. Raskolnikov is seen as the first Russian Faust, opening a gallery of heroes of Dostoevsky-novelist, going back to the Faustian type. There are investigated similar plot and composite elements, as well as a community of artistic and philosophical decisions of two writers.
1. Bem A.L. Faust in the works of Dostoevsky / A.L. Bem //. Bem A.L. Studies. Letters on literature. - M.: Slavic languages. Bem (Essays on Literature, Letters on Literature) in Russian in French at the University of Applied Sciences in Moscow: The Languages of Slavic culture, 2001. - С. 209-244.
2. Bulgakov S.N. Ivan Karamazov (in Dostoevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov") as a philosophical type / S.N. Bulgakov // Problems of Philosophy and Psychology. - 1902. - Kne. 61 (I). - PP. 826-863 / URL: http://vehi. net/bulgakov/karmaz.html#_edn1 (date of reference: 12.06.12).
3. Dostoevsky F.M. Collected Works: In 15 vol./ F.M. Dostoevsky. - Л.: Science, 1989-1996. Т. 5. - 576 p.; Vol. 9. - 698 p.; Vol. 11. - 572 p.; Vol. 15. - 864 с.
4. Dostoevsky F.M. Notebooks and notebooks of Dostoevsky /. F.M. Dostoevsky // Literary Heritage. - Т. 83. - M.: Nauka, 1971. - С. 125-706.
5. Koshemchuk T.A. "I would just spit on someone, bite him...": Evil in Raskolnikov's Nature / T.A. Koshemchuk // T.A. Koshemchuk Russian literature in the Orthodox context. - SPb.: Nauka. - С. 92-137.
6. Nedzvetsky V.A. Dostoevsky as an artist-messiah. Article One. Novel as a Way of the Cross of Modern Man / V.A. Nedzvetsky. V.A. Nedzvetsky // Izvestia RAN. Series of literature and language. - 2006. - Т. 65. - № 1. - С. 12-29.
7. Unpublished Letters to Dostoevsky (Publication by L.I. Batiuto, A.M. Berezkin, T.I. Ornatskaya, G.V. Stepanova, I.D. Yakubovich). F.M. Dostoevsky // F. M. Dostoevsky. Materials and research. - Т. 5. - L.: Nauka, 1983. - С. 246-270.
8. Goethe I.-W. Faust / I.-W. Goethe / Per. by N. Kholodkovsky // http://lib. ru/POEZIQ/GETE/faust_holod.txt (date of access: 12.06.2012).
9. Kholodkovsky N.A. Commentary on J.-W. Goethe's poem "Faust". N.A. Kholodkovsky. - 2nd ed. - M.: House "Librocom", 2010. - 288 с.
10. Schelling F. Philosophy of Art / F. Schelling. - Moscow: Thought, 1966. - 496 с.
11. Goethe J.-W. Faust / J.-W. Goethe // http://www.einam.com/faust (дата обращения: 12.06.2012 г.).
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