Home Releases # 8, 2013




  • Ganiev Zhurat Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor


Russian literature has always been marked by a rhetorical focus. A special place in it is occupied by Dostoyevsky whose truly Russian enthusiasm helped him assert people’s right to dignity, shelter, and comfortable life. His rhetoric stands by itself in the galaxy of the brilliant classics of the 18th – 20th centuries: it highlights the reasoning, the true Christian attitude to the plight of the characters Artwork. Many topics of his plotted works originated in Dostoevsky’s journalism. The analysis of texts plays a most significant part in teaching rhetoric.
1. Berdyaev N. A., 1994, Dostoevsky's Worldview. In: N.A. Berdyaev. Philosophy of Creativity, Culture, Art: In 2 vols. - Vol. 2 - Moscow: Art. - С. 8-150.
2. Bursov, B. I., 1982, Dostoevsky's Personality (novel research). In: B. I. Bursov. Selected Works: In 2 vols. - Vol. 2 - Moscow: State Publishers of Artistic Literature. - 640 с.
3. Vinogradov, V. V., 1975, From the History of the Study of Poetics (20s). In: Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Series of Literature and Language. - Т. 34 - №3. - С.259-272.
4. Vinogradov V. V., 1980, On Artistic Prose. - Moscow-Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1930. - 190с. (Reprint: V. V. Vinogradov. Selected Works. On the Language of Artistic Prose. - Moscow: Nauka. - С. 56-175).
5. Ganiev J. V., 2012, Rhetoric as understood by V. V. В. Vinogradov (on the material of the texts of the 1970s). In: Text, Context, Intertext: A collection of scientific articles on the materials of the International Scientific XII Vinogradov Readings" International Scientific Conference. - Volume I: Russian language. Foreign Philology. Responsible editors E. F. Kirov, Н. L. Ogurechnikova. - Moscow: Moscow State Pedagogical University. - С. 17-22.
6. Dostoevsky F. M., 1981, Diary of a Writer. Monthly Edition. 1876. February. Chapter Two; Preparatory Materials. In: F.M. Dostoevsky. Complete Works: In 30 vols. - Vol. 22. Leningrad: Nauka. - С. 50-73; 137-166.
7. Nikolina N. A., 2007, Philological Analysis of the Text. - 2nd ed. revised and enlarged - M.: Publishing Center. "Academy. - 272 с.
8. Plato, 1999, Gorgias. The Apologia of Socrates (translated by M. S. Solovyov, С. P. Markisch). In: Plato. The Apologia of Socrates, Crito, Ion, Protagoras. - Moscow: Thought. - С. 70-96; 477-574.
9. Yu. V. Rozhdestvensky, 1980, Problems of Rhetoric in the Stylistic V. В. Vinogradov. In: Russian language: Problems of artistic speech. Lexicology and lexicography. Vinogradov readings. IX-X. - Moscow: Nauka. - С. 20-35.
10. Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E., 1973, Unfinished Conversations. Chapter V. A cut off scrap. In: Saltykov-Shchedrin. Complete Works: In 20 vols. - Vol. 15 - Book 2. - Moscow: State Publishers. Moscow: State Publishers of Fiction. - С.212-228.
11. Spasovich V. D., 1894, Case of the banker K., accused of torturing his seven-year-old daughter. In: Works of V. D. Spasovich. -T.VI. Judicial Speeches (1875-1882). - St. Petersburg: Brothers' Bookshop. Rymovich. - С. 49-71.
12. Ф. Dostoevsky in Memoirs of Contemporaries, 1990: In 2 vols. - Т.2. - Moscow: State Publishers of Fiction. - 430 с.
13. Friedlander G. M., 1981, [Commentary on "The Writer's Diary. 1876" Ф. М. Dostoevsky] /G. M. Friedländer, E. I. Kijko, V. A. Tunimanov et al. In: F.M. Dostoevsky. Complete Works of F. M. Dostoevsky. Vol. - Vol. 22. - Leningrad: Nauka. - С. 259-401.
14. Khazagerov G. G., Lobanov I. B., 2004, Rhetoric. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix. - 384 с
15. A. P. Chudakov and E. A. Todes, 1980, Commentary. "On Fiction. Prose." In: Vinogradov 1980. - С. 334-343.
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